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Gina G.


My journey into photography had its early beginnings for me when one of my best friends in junior college took photos of our circle of friends with a  110 camera. I liked the idea of capturing moments that could escape into obscurity. I bought a 110 camera too. It wasn't until after I graduated college and had evenings after work to myself that I decided I wanted to learn how to use a single lens reflex camera and every aspect of how it works. I became fascinated to learn about the aperture, shutter speed, light and all the variables to consider when taking photos. I bought my first single lens reflex camera, a 35mm Pentax,  from the long gone Frank's Camera in Highland Park. I went to camera shows and bought Mamiya and Yashica medium format cameras as well which gave stunning images. It was an addictive pastime to develop film and process photos in the dark room. I had gainful employment and kept photography as a hobby. I worked on free and paid photography jobs so I could push my skillset further. When I carried my first child,  my cameras were set aside. I stopped putting my hands in developer. When digital cameras rolled out I ventured back in the water. I took courses to learn digital media and drawing software. It was a new world for me learning all about this new way of "developing" pictures.   To my creative sisters of EWG and all they do this is my little bit of service for them.


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